discountedchristianlouboutinshoes in turn to train students

2013-10-16 15:05

 Cheery shades and sales christianlouboutinsaleuk made at painting auction Love getting wet in the rain.The colours of rain, sounds and smell make me very cheerful.I have painted a cloudy sky, rain drops, water pools with a family of colourful paper boats.Do you like christianlouboutinoutletuk my painting?Said a little note by habibunnissa. The painting by the student of class viii of chennai middle school, begum street in royapettah, was definitely liked by the gathering of corporates and sold in an auction held here on saturday. Habibunnissa christianlouboutinboots was among eleven children from various chennai schoolswhose paintings were exhibited at an event organised by omkara and hotel grand chola, in aid of nalandaway foundation. Nalandaway sriram ayer said under the through arts project, 100 teachers from 50 chennai schools were provided training for them discountedchristianlouboutinshoes in turn to train students.Training has led to children staying at school for other subjects and becoming more attentive in class.The proceeds from the sales of paintings would go to nalandaway, which aims to train 100 teachers from 100 chennai schools this year, he said. P.Lokeshwaran of class vii of chennai middle school in arumbakkam, whose painting was on the evils of drinking, said, chose this subject as i have seen families break up because of drinking, he said.